Over 40, Single and Loving Life!


Rhodonna Boyd is a preacher of the gospel, worship leader and author of several books. 

She is single, saved and living life with Purpose!

I sat down with Rhondonna, an over 40 single, a few months ago to talk about her singlehood, dreams of marriage and her latest book, "Godly Couples Coming Together."

Her passion to help older singles fulfill their God-given destinies earned her the nick name, "The Single's Advocate."

From Rhondonna's website

"Rhodonna watched disappointment after disappointment with single christians around her and marriages that seemed to be held captive.  It came on her heart a number of times to start a prayer. She finally did.  She believes prayer changes things.  It's a weekly prayer that started in November 2014 and has seen a number of testimonies of breakthrough, change, and moving towards the altar."

Click the player for my candid interview with Rhodonna!

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