Romney Pulling Out All the Stops


The Romney campaign is now sending out surrogate email hits on McCain talking up how John McCain considered running with John Kerry in 2004.

Watch the video here. The transcription below:

ABC's Charles Gibson: "But, let me, let me, let me imagine it. If he asked you, if he came across the aisle and asked you, would you even entertain the idea? Or will you rule it out for good and all and ever right now?

John McCain: John Kerry is a very close friend of mine. We've been friends for years. Obviously, I would entertain it."

Listen, I get the point. The Romney camp and McCain haters say the fact that McCain would even entertain the thought is tantamount to treason and does not show a true Republican. McCain/Kerry, McCain/Feingold, McCain/Lieberman is too much to stomach. But there's a flip side.

Everyone talks about how Washington needs change. All these presidential candidates talk about how they are going to shake things up when they get to Washington. But folks, let me give you some Brody File straight talk. It doesn't work that way. It just doesn't.

Anything controversial needs 60 votes to pass in the Senate which means you HAVE to work with the other party. McCain has proven he can work with Democrats. Republicans might not like it but let's call a spade a spade. A President may want a 'clean" bill or a "pure" bill to his liking but most likely, it will take compromising skills and bi-partisan good will to make legislation move in Washington. McCain can make the case that he's been there, done that. I know this scares some conservative Republicans. I understand that you think he's too moderate already but there's another reality here. The country is not far right or far left. It's somewhere in the moderate to conservative range which, lo and behold is exactly where McCain is.


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