Obama Campaign may be Sued for Joshua Generation Project


Oh my.

The Brody File first reported that the Obama campaign will be launching "The Joshua Generation Project" aimed at young Evangelicals and faith voters. Well, it turns out there may be a legal issue with the name. Read below from Roll Call.

Sen. Barack Obama is about to launch his latest outreach to religious voters, but the name of the group could land him in legal trouble.

First reported on Friday by Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody, Obama's "Joshua Generation" is designed to help the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee appeal to young evangelicals.

But "Generation Joshua," a division of the Home School Legal Defense Association, has been established since 2003 and is pursuing legal action against the Obama campaign.

"This is an improper invasion of our trademark and we've retained legal counsel to notify the Obama campaign to stop this," HSLDA's co-founder, chairman, and general counsel, Michael Farris, told Roll Call on Monday morning. The conservative group plans to notify the Obama campaign later today.

Although recent Democratic presidential nominees have had a hard time attracting support from evangelical voters, some Obama partisans believe the candidate has broad appeal.

"Generation Joshua is designed for Christian youth between the ages of 11 and 19 who want to become a force in the civic and political arenas," according to the group's Web site. Farris believes the similarity in names is no accident. "It's impossible to miss this, as Web savvy as they are," said Farris, who also wrote a 2005 book called, "The Joshua Generation: Restoring the Heritage of Christian Leadership." 

Read more here.


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