Is Obama/Kaine the Ticket?


So Virginia Governor Tim Kaine has a real shot to become Barack Obama’s VP. If that happens, it’ll be John McCain vs Obama/Kaine. That’s kind of strange isn’t? However, Obama/Kaine kind of has a ring to it. It’s better than Obama/Sebelius. That sounds like a disease you get in a Third World Country. Obama/Hagel rhymes with bagel which could help Obama with the Jewish vote. (Hey I’m a Jewish believer so that comment is appropriate. I can say that) How about Obama/Nunn? That may propel Obama higher among Evangelicals and Catholics. Obama/Dodd doesn’t work. It sounds like Islamabad which brings back the whole Muslim rumor thing. Whoever Obama chooses, I hope he considers the implications of the name game.

More on Tim Kaine and his VP prospects here.

Obama’s VP pick will be scrutinized no matter who he picks but let me offer some thoughts. Obama has built his brand on being a new, different outsider who is not about the ways of Washington. Tim Kaine fits that image and would make sense in a host of other ways too.

I still say that Joe Biden may be the smarter pick. Obama doesn’t need cover on the economy as much as he does on foreign policy. Biden is a walking encyclopedia and would potentially give Obama fence sitters reason to feel confident in a newbie one term Senator who lacks foreign policy experience. In addition, as an Irish Catholic, he also can help with those white working class voters in the rust belt and elsewhere.

Yes Biden has ‘foot in mouth disease”. That could be a problem and yes Biden is a Washington insider so that doesn’t fit the narrative.

This isn’t an easy pick. I just hope he doesn’t pick rapper “Lil Mama” because then it would be Obama/Mama and that just sounds plain offensive.


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