Lieberman on Obama's Faith Based Initiative Effort


Joe Lieberman is glad Barack Obama is talking about his faith and Lieberman has always been a big supporter of Faith Based Initiatives but he does have one big problem with Obama’s plan. Read below about that and watch his complete answer above.

"He (Obama) would prohibit faith based organizations who receive federal funding to carry out a social purpose from what he would say is discriminating in hiring. In other words he would not let a Baptist organization just hire Baptist workers or Jewish or Catholic just hire Jewish or Catholic workers and I think that is intervention by the federal government and basically asking a faith based organization to no longer be faith based if you are not going to be able to hire people of your own faith. That's the very purpose of the institution and what makes it unique in dealing effectively with social problems like hunger and family abuse and drug addiction and the rest.”

In the same answer, Lieberman also talks about John McCain’s faith.

"John McCain is a man who is deeply faithful and we've talked about this a lot in our travels around the World but he just doesn't talk about it a lot but trust me he's a believer. He'd be a very strong supporter in faith based initiatives."


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