Joe the Attack Dog


In Joe Biden's Springfield speech today we saw a preview of what is to come.

Joe Biden was in attack dog mode. As a matter of fact, The Brody File has an exclusive picture of Biden taken up close at today's speech. Click here.

Folks, Biden's speech was laced with tough talk against McCain. The line about the seven kitchen tables was especially rough. But that's just the opening act. Biden and McCain may be good friends but they'll be mortal enemies for the next few months. Only in politics!

As for Biden's overall speech, it hit all the key points but Biden and Obama have a looming problem. They are going to somehow need to make the case that Biden fits into this change narrative.

So far what Obama is doing is basically saying that Biden is a guy that has not been changed by Washington and that he has been able to get things done in Washington. That's a tough sell considering Biden has been in Washington over 30 years. The onus is on Obama/Biden to show how Biden fits into this theme of change. It has the potential to backfire on them but look, if Biden can help with the lunch bucket crowd and provide cover on foreign policy and national security issues, then you know what? You take that as a win and deal with the rest.


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