Trooper-Gate Impact


With the Palin Trooper-gate report now in, let’s start with the bad news for Sarah Palin. Anytime “abuse of power” and your name are mentioned in an investigative report it is NOT a good day. Clearly, Palin is taking hit after hit from the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Here’s the good news for her. This Election is not going to be decided because of this. Voters are not sitting at home anxiously awaiting the Palin report. It’s a great beltway story. It’s a great story for the mainstream press but ultimately do people in Peoria care about this? In a way the Trooper-gate story is similiar to the Bill Ayers story. With the economy in deep trouble, people's minds seem to be elsewhere in terms of prioroties.

This story is complicated because there are a lot of people involved telling different stories of what really happened. Plus some say this whole report is pretty partisan so it’s not a slam dunk here.

Look, I think it’s pretty safe to say that people either love Palin or can’t stand her. So the Trooper-gate story does nothing really to change that dynamic. Her supporters aren’t going to care about this and her critics now simply have more ammunition.

Read more here.


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