Palin on the Angry Tone at Rallies


In a one-on-one interview with The Brody File, Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin says she has not personally heard vicious attacks directed at Barack Obama at her rallies. If she ever were to hear any, she says she would put an end to it.

I interviewed Gov. Palin this weekend for 20 minutes in Lancaster, Pa. My full report can be seen Tuesday on The 700 Club. Check The Brody File for other clips regarding her faith, media scrutiny and much more.

Watch her answer above. The transcription is below.

Brody: Let me ask you a little bit about some of these rallies. I know that some, some people, John McCain have called them fringe out there who has said some things out there about Barack Obama at his rallies. Do you feel a responsibility when those are said to say enough of this type of talk?

Palin: Absolutely. But what we have heard through some mainstream media is that folks have hollered out some pretty atrocious and unacceptable things like "kill him" or some, we have not heard that. If I ever were to hear that standing up there at the podium with the mic, I would call 'em out on that, and I would tell these people, no, that's unacceptable, let's rise about that please. We haven't heard that. What I have heard though is even in the other camp though some negativity that has been injected in the campaign with the candidate himself, with Barack Obama telling his supporter to get out there and quote "get in their face, argue with them." That, you know, that's kind of inciting and a bit negative and John McCain and I will have nothing to do with that, but it is unacceptable if we were ever to hear the shout outs that are so negative that we have heard being reported, if I were to hear that I would say no, we don't stand for that.


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