Is New Abortion Bill Really "Common Ground"?


There's a new so called "abortion reduction" bill being championed as common ground by pro-choice groups. Some pro-life leaders have signed on as well (see list below) but traditional pro-life conservative groups aren't buying it. Read a summary of the bill here. Statements of support here and audio here.  Read here for the case against it. Read here for the case for it.

My take: It's hard to call this bill "common ground" when NARAL and Planned Parenthood are supporting it and their cross town rivals like Concerned Women for America and Family Research Council want nothing to do with it. Yes it has some aspects to it that would go over well with pro-lifers (adoption tax credit, more money for adoption awareness, etc.) but here's the problem. The bill is loaded with contraception funding which many pro-lifers believe adds to the promiscuity problems in America. Plus, undoubtedly some of this money dished out will be funnelled to pro-choice groups who either perform abortions or don't discourage them so it makes people ask a very obvious question; "If you want to reduce abortions, why why you allow money to be funnelled into programs and agencies like that?

Look, I'm not saying the people behind this effort aren't sincere in their desire to reduce abortions. I am not here to question motivations or intentions. I'm just saying that the way you get people's attention on the abortion common ground issue is when you can get pro-life Congressmen like Joe Pitts, Chris Smith or Sam Brownback to stand at the podium with pro-choice members of Congress. You need a Tony Perkins or a Wendy Wright at the podium with Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood. That would draw big time attention. Also, contraception is a big ticket item for pro-choicers. Where is the big ticket item for pro-lifers in this bill? Adoption awareness? What about a fetal pain bill or parental notification? What about money funnelled to teen crisis pregnancy centers? The pro-choice crowd sees these centers as overtly religious and pro-life so do you think Planned Parenthood would sign on to this bill if these teen crisis pregnancy centers were getting bucks out of this? C'mon. In other words,  where's the big bone to pro-life groups to come on board? Pro-Life groups have big ideas for solutions to the abortion crisis in this country but this bill doesn't address those solutions. Just asking.

Here's the CBN News story:

Traditional foes in the abortion debate say they are teaming up to reduce the need for abortions.

Thursday, Pro-choice groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL stood with pro-life figures like Pastor Joel Hunter of Northland Church in Florida to endorse a new bill on Capitol Hill.

It calls for comprehensive sex education, increased access to contraception for low-income women and a national adoption campaign.

Congresswoman Rosa Delauro, one of the bill's sponsors, says it's a stand-alone measure apart from the healthcare legislation lawmakers are currently working on.

"We should maintain current law," she said.  "We shouldn't either prohibit or require insurance companies to do that, and most of all we should not peddle backward and take women's health services in a backward direction."

Still, Concerned Women for America president Wendy Wright told CBN News that abortion opponents should not be fooled by this proposal.

"The goal of the legislation being introduced is to funnel more taxpayer dollars to groups like Planned Parenthood, which is the largest abortion provider in America," she said.

No Republicans are publicly supporting the bill.

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