President Obama Pushes "Two Fathers" Family in Father's Day Message


In his Father’s Day Proclamation, Barack Obama became the first President ever to use the occasion to say that “two fathers” are a nurturing family unit. Homosexual groups must be beaming with delight today but this is the type of line that can really come back to haunt him. Do NOT underestimate the power of those two words.

First of all, by putting “two fathers” in your proclamation you are really running the risk of alienating networks of pastors and church goers who may buy into the President’s overall but draw the line when it comes to traditional marriage. You put these normally supportive pastors in a tough situation because the fact of the matter is the whole ‘two fathers” scenario DOES NOT play well in most Churches in America. And that is completely understandable.

Secondly, what is the upside here? To let the homosexual community know that they are a priority? Or is to march the ball down the field with language like this so it becomes more accepting as time goes on? I don’t know the reason but regardless,  the political downside is much larger here than the political upside. That’s for sure.

Finally, let me just say that the President has a pretty neat and important event today on his Father’s Day initiative. (coming in a separate blog post) So why dilute the impact of that with these words? Father’s Day should NOT be controversial. The “two fathers” scenario is a very divisive issue. Why bring it up and take away from the big event of the day?

Below is President Obama’s Father’s Day Proclamation. ( see the bold part for the controversial line) and then below that are a couple articles on the “two fathers” controversy.

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release June 18, 2010
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From the first moments of life, the bond forged between a father and a child is sacred. Whether patching scraped knees or helping with homework, dads bring joy, instill values, and introduce wonders into the lives of their children. Father's Day is a special time to honor the men who raised us, and to thank them for their selfless dedication and love.

Fathers are our first teachers and coaches, mentors and role models. They push us to succeed, encourage us when we are struggling, and offer unconditional care and support. Children and adults alike look up to them and learn from their example and perspective. The journey of fatherhood is both exhilarating and humbling -- it is an opportunity to model who we want our sons and daughters to become, and to build the foundation upon which they can achieve their dreams.

Fatherhood also carries enormous responsibilities. An active, committed father makes a lasting difference in the life of a child. When fathers are not present, their children and families cope with an absence government cannot fill. Across America, foster and adoptive fathers respond to this need, providing safe and loving homes for children facing hardships. Men are also making compassionate commitments outside the home by serving as mentors, tutors, or big brothers to young people in their community.

Together, we can support the guiding presence of male role models in the lives of countless young people who stand to gain from it. Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step-father, a grandfather, or caring guardian.

We owe a special debt of gratitude for those parents serving in the United States Armed Forces and their families, whose sacrifices protect the lives and liberties of all American children. For the character they build, the doors they open, and the love they provide over our lifetimes, all our fathers deserve our unending appreciation and admiration.

From The Washington Post:

Presidential proclamations for Hallmark holidays are generally not newsmaking occasions, but President Obama seemed intent on breaking some new ground with his statement marking Father's Day. After some of the expected ruminations on the responsibilities and joys of fatherhood, Obama's 2010 proclamation notes: "Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step father, a grandfather, or caring guardian."

As best we can tell, this is the first time that "two fathers" made it into the annual Father's Day litany. George W. Bush's final proclamation in 2008 noted the "extraordinary effort of the nation's fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and guardians." And the furthest Obama's proclamation last year went in giving a nod to nontraditional fathering was to "honor those surrogate fathers who raise, mentor, or care for someone else's child."

It's also worth noting that the line that immediately follows this year's "two fathers" line is a word of praise for the military:

"We owe a special debt of gratitude for those parents serving in the United States Armed Forces and their families, whose sacrifices protect the lives and liberties of all American children."

Any one of "two fathers" have been unable to serve in the Armed Forces, at least not while being open about his home situation. But the military is in the process of doing away with "don't ask, don't tell" -- and the president, in turn, is likewise bringing a small revolution to the tradition of obligatory holiday declarations.

From Black Christian News:


Question: Where are the Megachurch Pastors and Prophets of God to Publicly Rebuke this Unwise President? is calling upon true men of God across this country to rebuke this unwise president for suggesting this ungodliness before our nation, and help him understand that his presidency is in jeopardy, and not because of the oil catastrophe in the Gulf. The Gulf catastrophe is in fact a result of Obama pushing a homosexual agenda and homosexual marriage.

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