Only on Brody File: Donald Trump Says Political Press is 'Dishonest'


By Brody File Producer, Dana Ritter:

In our interview with Donald Trump earlier this week, The Brody File asked him about his harsh words for the press. The Donald didn't hold back, calling some reporters, "wannabes."

David Brody: You said something about the press. It was fascinating to me, as you went through a list of folks in the press.  But real quick, this is what you said: 'What I don’t love are wannabe journalists who are obsessed with protecting Obama, and reporters who try to ride my coat tails to make a name for themselves and compensate for their lack of talent.' Pretty harsh words for the press, but look, you’re pulling no punches here. Talk to me about the state of the press today.

Donald Trump: Well, the press, as far as the political press is concerned, and again, there’s some wonderful people, and some very talented people, you happen to be one of them, by the way. There’s some straight, honest people. But we have some terribly dishonest people in the press.

I actually name some of them in the book, but we have some terribly dishonest people. I have never met a press so dishonest as the political press. What they do with Obama is unbelievable. He goes to England, he makes all sorts of mistakes and gaffes and signs the wrong date by two years or so, and everyone says, ‘Oh, isn’t that wonderful, isn’t that wonderful?’ and I know if Bush did it, or if somebody else did it, they’d make him sound like a moron.

But, so many mistakes. He gives a speech while they’re singing their anthem in England, and the Queen looks at him like, ‘What are you doing? ‘ practically with her face like ‘shut up, you don’t do it.’ And if somebody else did it, he’d be run out of town. And nobody even mentions it. The way they protect him is unbelievable."

Trump has a new book out this week called, Time To Get Tough. More on that this Friday as we run a national piece on "The 700 Club."

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