Brody File Exclusive: Mike Huckabee Says As President He's Prepared To Stop All Abortions


In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, Mike Huckabee says, “We can do more than slow down abortion. We can stop it.” He says, as President of the United States, he’s willingly ready to go to court to fight for it. “The 5th amendment says that you cannot deprive somebody of life or liberty unless there’s due process. The 14th amendment says that states neither can do that and they have to provide equal protection under the law,” Huckabee tells The Brody File from Cedar Rapids Iowa. “What it means is really simple: if the unborn child is a person, they’re already protected under the 5th and 14th amendment. It just requires a president who appoints an Attorney General who will recognize the personhood of every person from conception forward and say, ‘we have a constitutional obligation to protect people.”

Huckabee readily acknowledges that there would be a lawsuit but he believes the court would side on the side of life. “The only question in the court becomes is the unborn child a person? I’m willing to have that battle in court because bring the best biologists in the world, put them under oath and ask them when 23 chromosomes from a man and 23 from a woman merge at fertilization is that a life? And if it is a life what is it? Is it a puppy? Is it a dolphin? Is it a stalk of broccoli? No, it’s a human life.”
Huckabee is the ONLY candidate making this strong an argument on the life issue. Many other candidates say they’re pro-life but Huckabee, so far at least, is the only candidate willing to take the fight into court as President of the United States.


Mike Huckabee: “There’s a better approach. We don’t have to pass a constitutional amendment. We already have two: the 5th and 14th amendments. The 5th amendment says that you cannot deprive somebody of life or liberty unless there’s due process. The 14th amendment says that states neither can do that and they have to provide equal protection under the law. What it means is really simple: if the unborn child is a person, they’re already protected under the 5th and 14th amendment. It just requires a president who appoints an Attorney General who will recognize the personhood of every person from conception forward and say, ‘we have a constitutional obligation to protect people.”

Mike Huckabee: “It’s personhood that’s the trigger. So here’s the question: is the unborn child a person or just a clump of cells…if that’s a person, we have a constitutional obligation to protect them.”

Mike Huckabee: “We can do more than slow down abortion. We can stop it.”

Mike Huckabee: “The only question in the court becomes is the unborn child a person? I’m willing to have that battle in court because bring the best biologists in the world, put them under oath and ask them when 23 chromosomes from a man and 23 from a woman merge at fertilization is that a life? And if it is a life what is it? Is it a puppy? Is it a dolphin? Is it a stalk of broccoli? No, it’s a human life.”

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