Exclusive: Brody File Asks Donald Trump: "How can evangelicals trust you?”


In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump says because he’s not a politician with a proven track record on the issues, it’s no wonder that some people might think they can’t trust him on the issues. “Well, you have to understand, I’ve only been a politician for seven months to start off with. I’ve been a real estate person and a business person…I’ve just started being a politician so issues you’re discussing and that you and I have discussed over the last several months, they weren’t really discussed issues.” Trump sat down with The Brody File in Charleston South Carolina Thursday afternoon. Trump continues to say that evangelicals can trust him. “They know I’m going to be great on security, I’m going to be great with the military, I’m going to be great with ISIS. That’s a very important thing. They want leadership.”

Here’s the $64,000 dollar question: as an evangelical, can you get to a comfortable place with Trump? Let’s face it: he’s a wild card. You’re probably not 100% sure on the guy regarding some key issues but you may feel he’s trustworthy and really will ‘fight” for the evangelicals. Cruz is banking on the fact that a proven track record will win the day. But Trump has charisma and a winning brand. What will evangelicals do? Decisions, decisions….


David Brody: “How can evangelicals trust you because you’re talking about all this but he (Ted Cruz) is saying it’s all about actions not words so how can evangelicals trust you?”

Donald Trump: “Well, you have to understand, I’ve only been a politician for seven months to start off with. I’ve been a real estate person and a business person…I’ve just started being a politician so issues you’re discussing and that you and I have discussed over the last several months, they weren’t really discussed issues. I would be more worried about the structure of a building, whether I’m going to use concrete or steel, lots of other things ok because I ran a business. Now, I think my views are out there and I think they’re out there very good…”

Donald Trump: “In South Carolina, I’m winning substantially with evangelicals so they know my views and they also know about me. They know I’m going to be great on security, I’m going to be great with the military, I’m going to be great with ISIS. That’s a very important thing. They want leadership and a guy like Cruz is not going to give you leadership. He’s a nasty guy who’s not going to give you leadership. He’s a person who lies…”

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