Guest entry by CBN News Reporter Jenna Browder.
While David Brody enjoys some much-needed R&R, I’m filling in for him. I had a chance to interview Donald Trump in Orlando Thursday after he spoke to pastors at a gathering of the American Renewal Project.
I asked him if he felt like he’d been placed in this position as part of a higher calling — referring to Esther 4:4 in the Bible.
Watch his answer above. The transcript is below.
Mandatory Video/Audio Courtesy CBN News/The Brody File.
Browder: You know a lot of Christians believe that you have been chosen for "such a time as this." Do you believe that’s true? Have you ever considered that maybe this is a divine calling?
Donald Trump: Well, you know I’ve heard that from others, and I’ve heard it from pastors. I’ve heard it from others. You know I really don’t even want to think about it because it’s too big of a burden. But I can say this, that if I can do what I say I can do, and I’m not only talking with the military and building it up and safety and security, cause our country is in bad shape in so many ways, I’m talking… we can open up the voices of great people and the pastors and the ministers, and the priests and the rabbis and the people of religion. I think that will be something I will be so proud of.