Exclusive: Pence Assures Social Conservatives 'Trump is committed to the sanctity of life'



In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence promises social conservatives that Donald Trump is committed to the sanctity of life.

"I can assure you, I have heard him in public and I have heard him in private and that Donald Trump is committed to the sanctity of life," Pence tells us. "I couldn't be more proud to be standing with Donald Trump, the pro-life candidate for president of the United States in this race."

Our Brody File interview with Gov. Pence was done Thursday afternoon in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. A complete story airs nationwide on The 700 Club Friday on Freeform (formerly the ABC Family Channel) at 10 a.m. ET and 11 p.m. ET.

Look, Pence is the real deal when it comes to being a Christian conservative. Our crew was on the ground in Pennsylvania and we talked to plenty of undecided voters who say Pence's presence on the ticket helps them get to a more comfortable place.

After his debate performance this past Tuesday, it's no surprise. Trump's decision to pick Pence is a brilliant move. In one fell swoop, Pence helps with the GOP establishment crowd, movement conservatives and conservative Christians. That's the political trinity.

On a separate but related note, if this, "vice presidential thing" doesn’t work out, he could always be the national spokesman for chamomile tea. The man is calm as they come, in stark contrast to the "Donald Trump 5-Hour Energy Drink."

Maybe they should call him "Mike Pensive."

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