
If you want to be healthy, cut back on sugary sodas, drink more water, and be sure to eat your fruits and veggies, the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee suggests.


The United States sure is a different country today than it was decades ago. Besides our deteriorating culture, America's space program seems to be sagging as well. But is hope on the horizon?


Those with peanut allergies might want to avoid cumin, according to the Food and Drug Administration.


All it takes is just a few rounds of moderate exercise each week to help your heart, according to a new British study published in the journal Circulation.


It might not be the fountain of youth, but one church denomination has zeroed in on a way to achieve life longevity, and it all goes back to the Scriptures.


If you want to take off some weight, try adding some fiber to your diet, a new study in in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests.


A new study shows children do better when raised by a mom and a dad instead of same-sex parents.


Many doctors will tell you that to keep your heart healthy, you should lower your cholesterol. But cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra says cholesterol is not the real perpetrator. Find out what is.


According to new research published in Cancer Epidemiology, coffee consumption could cut the risk of endometrial cancer.


Sleep is essential to good health but let's be honest: How often do you get a full eight hours of shut eye?
