Guatemalan Flag, Photo, CBN News, Jonathan Goff

The White House issued a statement welcoming the move of the Guatemalan Embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


New facts are emerging about Monday's border conflict that left more than 60 Palestinians dead in confrontations with Israeli troops as they tried to breach the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel.


The moving of the US and Guatemalan embassies to Jerusalem this week was the “greatest victory” ever for “faith-based diplomacy,” a leading advocate told CBN News. The Israeli Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (KCAC) honored the US and Guatemala in a session at the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) on Wednesday for moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.  Speaker after speaker credited Evangelical Christians and God, Himself, for accomplishing the move.  But they said the fight is far from finished.

US Embassy in Jerusalem, Photo, CBN News, Jonathan Goff

Many believe President Donald Trump's decision to open a new embassy in Jerusalem is in line with Biblical history.


Israeli author and Middle East expert Avi Jorisch profiles wondrous Israeli innovations that are changing the lives of billions of people around the globe and explores why Israeli innovators of all faiths feel compelled to make the world better in a new book, Thou Shalt Innovate: How Israeli Ingenuity Repairs the World.


Just one day after the historic move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, CBN News sat down for an interview with US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.  


Comedian Chelsea Handler unleashed a pro-Hamas, anti-Israel tirade on social media following the events celebrating the move of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem this week and the Palestinian riots at the Gaza border, violence planned to coincide with Israel's 70th anniversary of independence.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expels Israeli ambassador, Screen Capture

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expelled the Israeli ambassdor Tuesday in retaliation for Israel's defense of its southern border.


As the world watched, the United States officially moved its embassy to Jerusalem Monday and many believe the event was the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy. But according to Bible scholars that is not the only world event that points to the end times and Jesus' second coming. 

IDF Troops at the Gaza Border, Photo, IDF Spokesman's Office

Hamas is using massive violent demonstrations along the Gaza border as its newest weapon against Israel, experts said on Tuesday, as the US backed Israel's right to defend itself.
