
While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in Washington this week, his deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely, was taking foreign diplomats on a tour of Israel's southern border with the Gaza Strip.


Christians are now key contributors to helping more Jews return to their homeland in Israel.

An Evening to Honor Natan Sharansky, Photo, GPO, Haim Zach

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, attended a ceremony in New York Wednesday evening honoring Jewish Agency Chairman of the Executive Natan Sharansky. Former US President George Bush joined the celebration.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Addresses the UNSC, Photo, Screen Capture, RT

For all intents and purposes, US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appear to be tracking together on most issues.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Photo Courtesy GPO

"A bond that can never ever be broken" - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is praising Trump's decision on Jerusalem and America's biblical values while also warning about a rising "radical tyranny."

Good Neighbor Project, Surgical Team in Syria

Frontier Alliance International founder Dalton Thomas said the "dynamic" empowering the Good Neighbor Project inside Syria is the "three-fold cord," made up of Sunni Muslims, Christian laborers and Israeli Jews. 


Vice President Mike Pence and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley addressed the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee Conference, celebrating the Trump Administration's strides towards strengthening US-Israeli ties and commitment to fighting anti-Semitism around the world.


Last year, Morales announced it would follow the U.S. in moving its embassy, and in a speech Sunday before the annual AIPAC Policy Conference, he said the move would coincide with the celebration of Israel's founding.


The vice president will speak Monday and is expected to focus on the United States' firm commitment to Israel.In fact, the US's decision to move its embassy has swayed other countries to do the same. 

Trump Netanyahu 4

President Donald Trump will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Monday at the White House.
