Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Photo, TPS, Hillel Maeir

In a dramatic protest, Orthodox church leaders closed the doors of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem's Old City on Sunday over a municipal tax dispute. But some say the move was a ploy to gain international attention.

Photo, CBN News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the announcement late Friday that the US would be moving its Embassy to Jerusalem in May in honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel.

Israelis Remember the Six-Day War

Israel will celebrate its 70th year anniversary as a modern nation in a few months, but the Bible says its story began thousands of years ago when God brought the Jews out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. However, some Christians believe the Jews living in Israel today have no connection to biblical Israel, and are simply a modern-day invention.


The new US Embassy in Jerusalem will open much earlier than some had predicted, just to make sure President Trump's promise is kept before Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Meets with American Christian Leaders, Photo, CBN News, Jonathan Goff

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says American evangelicals are the best friends Israel has.


Your tax dollars are being indirectly used to pay Palestinian terrorists to murder Israeli Jews and others. Now lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have had enough and are ready to do something about it.

Jews and Christians Study the Bible at Israel's Knesset, Photo, CBN News

A first-time Bible study in Israel is being called a fulfillment of scripture. In an historic move, Christians joined Israeli Jews this week in the Knesset to study the Word of God. Many believe it's a significant step toward unity.

Isaiah Bulla, Photo, Courtesy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Isaiah seal, along with a similar one belonging to King Hezekiah, uncovered in the same place at the same time, confirm the Judean king's close relationship with the prophet.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses Conference of the Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, Photo, GPO, Kobi Gideon

Israel Defense Forces Unit 8200 tipped off Australian police days before ISIS-affiliated terrorists could blow up an Australian airliner last summer, according to information cleared for publication Wednesday.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Addresses the UNSC, Photo, Screen Capture, RT

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas used his speech before the UN Security Council Tuesday to fire more verbal missiles at Israel and President Trump.
