Israel Police, Courtesy TPS

A terrorist from an Arab neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem opened fire from a car at a light-rail stop on the city's Ammunition Hill, killing a woman and wounding five others in the attack and ensuing firefight. 


Could Russia be taking advantage of the U.S. presidential election to make military gains in Syria? Some military analysts are making that claim and stressing that the Moscow power grab furthers the human tragedy in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

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The Ethiopian aliyah, immigration to Israel under the Law of Return, has spanned decades. And it's not over yet.

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Jerusalem Dateline's Julie Stahl recently spoke with Liz Healy, an American who has studied the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.

Tel Shilo, screen capture

One week ago, U.S. President Barack Obama led a large delegation of American legislators and diplomats to attend the funeral of the late Shimon Peres.


JERUSALEM - Israel carried out airstrikes on Hamas posts in the Gaza Strip after a rocket fired from the Palestinian territory landed in a street in the southern Israeli town of Sderot on Wednesday, the Israeli military said.

Courtesy Israel Police Spokesman

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket that exploded near an elementary school in the southern Israeli city of Sderot, damaging cars and windows and setting off air raid sirens. Paramedics treated two people for shock.


Activists in the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement will tell you they are only defending the rights of Palestinians. But they're really calling for the complete destruction of Israel. The BDS movement has become has become a force on college campuses.


A visitor to Israel hears the greeting everywhere this week on the streets of Jerusalem:  “Shana Tova,” or “good year.”  Sunday evening at sunset marks Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish year 5777, and for a country besieged by threats of destruction and worldwide anti-Semitism at a scale perhaps not seen since World War II, some might think it a stretch to believe the coming year will be a good one.


Earlier this week, Israeli journalists were treated to a briefing by Wall Street Journal reporter Jay Solomon, whose recent release, The Iran Wars, shares firsthand insights into Iran's history since the 1980s.
