Courtesy Steinreich Communications, Tzur Kotzer

When a 6.6 magnitude earthquake struck Taiwan's largest city last February, killing 117 and injuring hundreds of others, Israeli representatives in that country wanted to do something to honor the victims and make a difference in the future.


Archaeologists recently discovered evidence that uncovered the site of a possible "third wall" of Jerusalem that Titus besieged in A.D. 70. 


Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump – who would be a better U.S. president for Israel? That question may not be the priority for most Americans, but it's a major concern for Israelis and Americans living in Israel.

Feast of Tabernacles march in Jerusalem, CBN News image, Tzippe Barrow

Jewish people around the world are celebrating Sukkot, the biblical Feast of Tabernacles, which is also a meaningful holiday for many Christians.


The site that ancient tradition holds is where Moses saw the Promised Land before dying has reopened to the public.


Iraqi and Kurdish forces are continuing their offensive against Mosul, captured by ISIS in the summer of 2014. But the military campaign is just the start of a much larger battle over control of Iraq's second largest city.

Western Wall, Courtesy GPO, Mark Neyman

The UNESCO Executive Board's announcement that it would reexamine the resolution passed last week severing Jewish ties to the Temple Mount didn't amount to much. The board passed the resolution Tuesday.

Dome of the Rock, Courtesy TPS

A day after the United Nations marked Yom Kippur as an official holiday, the U.N.'s educational, scientific and cultural organization voted for a resolution that claims Judaism's most holy sites aren't Jewish at all.

Dr. Dore Gold, Courtesy GPO archive, Sa'ar Ya'acov

Israeli Foreign Ministry Director General Dr. Dore Gold cited "personal reasons" for submitting his resignation on Thursday.

Illustrative, Courtesy TPS, Masha Broder

While Israelis celebrated the most solemn day of the Jewish year from Tuesday through Wednesday evenings, Israel Police were busy quelling riots and preventing terror attacks.
