Israeli Pollster Mitchell Barak, CBN News image

With thousands of Israeli Americans already having cast their ballots in the upcoming election, pollster Mitchell Barak announced the results to the press.

Palestinian Authority spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh, screen capture

The Palestinian Authority says the United Kingdom owes them an apology for issuing the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which supported the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people.

Lebanese President Michel Aoun, screen capture

For Israel, the election of 81-year-old Michel Aoun as Lebanon's new president is more about Iran than Lebanon.


When Emperor Constantine built the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the fourth century, he could not have imagined that researchers more than 1,700 years later would be uncovering the tomb where he believed Joseph of Arimathea placed the body of Jesus.


While the current military effort to kick ISIS out of Mosul could take months, a growing prayer movement contending for the spiritual fate of the Middle East is spreading throughout the region.


The supposed burial slab of Jesus Christ was uncovered for the first time in centuries during the renovation at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

Donald Trump 27

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump reached out to Israelis who are eligible to vote Wednesday, promising to stand side by side with the Jewish state if he's elected president.


Israeli security forces came across an instruction manual for Gaza-based terrorists detailing the art of kidnapping Israelis.

Discovered small document written on papyrus contains two lines of Hebrew script

On the same day the United Nations group UNESCO basically denied any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount, a newly discovered piece of history calls that claim into question.

Courtesy GPO, Moshe Milner

UNESCO's World Heritage Committee voted Wednesday to approve a resolution ignoring Jewish ties to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City.
