
Every year health professionals staffing emergency rooms and poison centers from around the country deal with Halloween-related injuries. Parents can do a lot to prevent their children from getting hurt by sticking to these eight tips


More than 20 states and other organizations are suing the Environmental Protection Agency over President Barack Obama's plan to fight global warming.


The World Health Organization says processed meats cause cancer, putting them in the category as smoking. The group also issued a less severe warning about unprocessed red meat, such as steak or hamburger.

Journey of Hope

For those battling cancer, churches should be a sanctuary. But in many cases, people suffer in silence. Now one organization is equipping churches to meet their needs -- physically and spiritually.

German Pastor

Once the birthplace of the Reformation, much of Germany today is covered by a profound spiritual darkness. But one German pastor is paying the price for preaching the uncompromised truth of Scripture.


It's going to be a pretty wet winter for the United States this year, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.


She didn't know who her daughter was talking to online. Now, Jennifer Sellers is warning others of the dangers of complacent parenting after her daughter's tragic death.


You can do most anything these days on your smartphone. Now you can take it to a new level: making arrangements for surgery, with just a few simple clicks.


California Gov. Jerry Brown, who recently signed a "right to die" measure, is receiving backlash from some leaders in the medical and religious communities.


The recommended 30 minutes of moderate exercise isn't enough to adequately reduce the risk of heart failure, according to a new study.
