
Nowadays, patients experience very little actual face-time with the doctor, whereas doctors tend to rush from patient to patient. The reason? Look no further than Obamacare.


California is now the fifth state to legalize assisted suicide after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that allows terminally ill patients to legally end their lives using doctor-prescribed drugs.


Photographic evidence appears to show streams of water flowing on Mars during the summer season, according to a team of scientists.


Israeli archaeologists may have discovered the tombs of ancient heroes known as the Maccabees. They say a Byzantine Christian gravesite may hold the key.


One year after the Ebola virus claimed thousands of lives in West Africa, a new investigation shows the U.N. World Health Organization may have been more a part of the problem than the solution.


A healthy diet - not supplements - is the best way to keep your brain and mind in good shape as you get older.


Ebola survivor Dr. Rick Sacra said Liberia lost 200 healthcare workers in the 2014 outbreak. However, a new vaccine is helping to contain the disease.


The Mediterranean diet, coupled with extra tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, could be a good way for women to cut down their risk of breast cancer.


Fish has long had a reputation as brain food, but it could be good for your emotional health as well.


Half of all adults in the United States have diabetes or pre-diabetes, according to a new study from the Journal of the American Medical Association.
