
A gunman slipped into an employee going-away party at the largest veterans home in the United States and took three people hostage Friday in a standoff that has kept the sprawling California grounds locked down for hours, authorities and family members said.     


U.S. employers went on a hiring binge in February, adding 313,000 jobs, the most in any month since July 2016, and drawing hundreds of thousands of people into the job market.


In His “I Have a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr. famously said, "Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia." Now a group of pastors are headed to the top of that mountain to do exactly that.


President Trump has made video games a focus as he looks for solutions to gun violence after the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, Florida.  The president's viewpoint is sharply challenged by the video game industry, whose leaders came to the White Thursday along with one of its most vocal critics, the Parents Television Council (PTC).

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

A well-known digital music service provider is paying tribute to the late Rev. Billy Graham with a special playlist.


One year into his job as the Trump administration's HUD secretary, Dr. Ben Carson says he sees why God placed him in this unlikely position, and how he believes he's making a difference.


A Christian student group at a Michigan university is back on campus after the school reversed its decision to revoke the group's campus privileges.


Mississippi lawmakers on Thursday passed what is likely to be the nation's most restrictive abortion law. The bill could spark a court challenge focusing on whether states can ban abortions before fetuses can survive outside the womb.


A Christian-owned bridal shop has closed after a constant barrage of threats via voice mail and social media for choosing not to help a lesbian with her wedding last summer.


Powerful tech companies rule our communications today, and shocking stories are coming out about how they're silencing the worldviews of millions of Christian and conservative Americans, censoring the messages you're allowed to read and post online.
