
The Israeli-based Waze navigation system, purchased by Google two years ago, is testing a new application to match up people looking for rides with drivers headed in the same direction.


Some 130 French Jews arrived in Israel Monday, with an additional 400 expected by week's end, in the first leg of a summer aliyah for 3,000 new immigrants.


The World Health Organization says taxes should be higher on cigarettes so people won't smoke as many of them.


A terrorist holding dual Iraqi-Norwegian citizenship is on trial before a military tribunal in Jordan's State Security Court charged with possessing explosives and planning terror attacks.


Doctors are looking at the effects of an insulin pill for treating potential diabetics.


A Sinai-based, ISIS-affiliate claimed responsibility for three Grad-style rockets fired at southern Israel on Friday.


Greece's prime minister is urging citizens to vote "no" in Sunday's referendum.



The Egyptian army says it has killed scores of Islamic State-linked fighters following multiple attacks on military posts in the Sinai Peninsula.


Sometimes the time it takes to get to the emergency room means the difference between life and death. That's why people in rural areas are worried about losing their hospitals.


Following massive terror attacks in the northern Sinai Peninsula Tuesday, including a suicide car bombing, the IDF closed the Kerem Shalom crossing with the Gaza Strip.
