guitar, music, band, touring

Rocking out with the band Never Forsaken is a fan's dream come true, but life for traveling musicians isn't as glamorous as it may appear. Now a ministry called RYFO (Rock Your Face Off) is working to change that.


A sign of the times in London: The British capital appears to have elected its first Muslim mayor in voting held Thursday. It's a move that has some people worried.


The United States is helping Yemen fight al Qaeda jihadists in the Arabian Peninsula by providing military support, intelligence, ships and special operations forces.


More than 4,000 people from across West Virginia turned out for a prayer rally with the Rev. Franklin Graham at the state's Capitol building in Charleston.


Millions of stolen email and website credentials are being traded in Russia's criminal market, including information taken from accounts on Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.  

National Day of Prayer, prayer group

The 2016 National Day of Prayer was larger than ever with more than 47,000 local events across the country, from Washington, D.C., to Denver.

Bathroom, NC

The U.S. Justice Department has threatened North Carolina with the loss of billions in education funding unless it changes its new bathroom law by Monday. But state leaders are showing no signs of backing down.


Was America founded as a Christian nation? Is the United States a Christian nation? Dr. Russell Moore, with the Southern Baptist Convention, recently weighed in on the issue. His answer may be surprising.

Donald Trump, primaries, Presidential election

Donald Trump's presumptive nomination as the Republican candidate for president gives evangelicals a unique opportunity to regain their cultural witness, a Southern Baptist educator says.

holocaust Memorial Ceremony

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and members of Congress honored dozens of Holocaust survivors Thursday at a special ceremony on Capitol Hill.
