
It's primary day in Indiana and the stakes are high. A loss there could be devastating to Sen. Ted Cruz's campaign – and secure the Republican nomination for Donald Trump.


Waiting lines at airports could reach epidemic levels when air travel peaks this summer.


A government panel recently recommended taking one aspirin a day to help prevent cardiovascular disease and colon cancer, but for some people, they may do more harm than good.

Courtesy GPO

Israeli custom inspectors intercepted four tons of ammonium chloride, used in the manufacturing of long-range rockets, hidden inside a shipment of salt for the Gaza Strip.

Mahmoud Abbas at the UN, screen capture

JERUSALEM, Israel – The Palestinian Authority’s promise to international donors that it would stop paying salaries of convicted terrorists came to light in a recent report by the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW).  The promise turned out to be fallacious. 


Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has called out President Barack Obama and Supreme Court justices for overruling "the rulings of the Most High" regarding marriage.

Kenneth Bae

Kenneth Bae, an American citizen, spent almost two years performing grueling work for the North Korean regime after being detained and sentence to 15 years of hard labor. He tells CBN how his faith helped him endure the pain and agony of those years.


Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper says he's not concerned about LGBT activist efforts to "out" Christian colleges seeking a religious exemption from Title IX over the transgender issue.


Millions of couples struggle with infertility and the pain of such reality is never more punctuated than on days like Mother's Day. Family Therapist Linda Mintle discusses how the Church should minister to women who experience infertility and some common mistakes Christians make.

Man in church, praise and worship

A government watchdog group is recommending the U.S. State Department put Iraq on a list of countries where the worst violations of religious liberties occur.
