Christian Living

africamatters 02/26/08

An African Kosovo?

Many of us here in the news room watched on Friday as the American embassy in Serbia was burning. Serbs angered by Kosovo's announcement of independence rampaged through the streets and took out their aggression on the embassy. It doesn't look like the instability in the region is going to change anytime soon.  It's being fueled by leaders in the region.

The Associated Press reports...

Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Milorad Dodik addressed the crowd before violence broke out and said Serbs would never recognise Kosovo as independent.

"It is enough that they tell us that we do not have a right to exist. We only have a little patience left, and this will not last for very long," Dodik said.

Gee...change the names of the people groups, countries and leaders and this statement could easily have been made in many African countries. In fact, it already has!

There's a very interesting story on allAfrica.com about the effect the Kosovo secession is having throughout Africa. This is a great article worth reading.

The article says many small groups in Africa may use Kosovo as an excuse to try to succeed from their countries! Read the article...

By the way, I still get a lot of e-mails from Africa Matters readers about the situation in Kenya. One I got this morning said...

"The violence in Kenya matters very much to us. We hope for peace in Kenya, but only God can give us that. Please tell Kenyans we are praying for them."

Keep praying for the peace of Kenya...and now, add the Balkans to the prayer list.

Drop me an e-mail with your thoughts. I would love to know what you think about the Kosovo-Africa connection.

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