Time Tebow

Tim Tebow was questioned when he started his path to a MLB career, but now he is starting to turn heads not just in the audience, but also out on the field. 


<p>Some Democrats are saying Donald Trump, Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer is clear evidence the Trump campaign wanted to work with the Russians during the election, but President Trump's legal team says the meeting didn't break any laws.</p>


A shared network of personnel, resources, and related philosophies raises questions about a potential conflict of interest among parties speaking on behalf of Charlie Gard in court.


Some Democrats are saying Donald Trump, Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer is clear evidence the Trump campaign wanted to work with the Russians during the election, but President Trump's legal team says the meeting didn't break any laws.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israeli reporters in Paris on Sunday that the new ceasefire brokered by the United States and Russia puts Israel in grave danger since it validates Iran's presence inside Syria.


Godwinks author SQuire Rushnell and Loiuse Duart share the secrets for recognizing God's signs, wonders, and Godwinks.


Watch this special report of what CBN is doing around the world.


<p>Veteran journalist Bill Gertz writes about the covert information war that's being waged by world powers and rogue states against the United States in a new book, <em>iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age</em>.</p>


Texas lawmakers head into a special month-long session on Tuesday with a bathroom bill as a top priority.


<p><span lang="EN">CBN News in a Minute: Today's Top Headlines – July 17</span></p>
