Via Wikipedia

State Attorney General Patrick Morrisey has won a contentious Republican primary for U.S. Senate in West Virginia, beating convicted ex-coal executive Don Blankenship.


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will return from North Korean with three American Christians currently imprisoned in the country, according to South Korean official. 


"This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made," President Trump said of the deal he's been threatening to pull out of since he took office. "It didn't bring calm, it didn't bring peace and it never will."


Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and House Chaplain Patrick Conroy are trying to move forward after last month's controversy in which Ryan urged the chaplain to resign and then reversed that decision after a public backlash.

Donald Trump

President Donald Trump is sending a historic rescission request for $15 billion to Congress on Tuesday.


A taxpayer watchdog group calls out USDA for using kittens for testing then killing them; USDA says the research keeps Americans from getting sick.


Donna Brazile, the former head of the Democratic National Committee, has a warning for Democrats flirting with the idea of impeaching the president...


First lady Melania Trump rolled out her "Be Best" campaign to address the major issues facing children. 


 President Donald Trump says he will announce his decision on whether to keep the U.S. in the Iran nuclear deal on Tuesday.


The Embassy of Israel celebrated its friendship with the religious community during their 16th annual Christian Solidarity event.
