Islam and Homosexual Hate: Where's the Outrage?

Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar

In late March of this year, Islamic scholar Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar of Qum, Iran, spoke at the Hussein Islamic Center in Sanford, Florida. Was Omar Mateen, the Islamic terrorists responsible for slaughtering gays at Orlando’s Pulse bar, in attendance?

We don't know at this time, but Mateen may have been inspired to act as a result of Islamic teachings similar to those of Sheik Farrokh.

The Orlando shooting and the false narrative no one else is talking about. "Fact is Islam does call for the killing of gays." Was Omar Mateen motivated by a radicalized Islamic agenda? CBN producers Stephen Little and Gary Lane sound off.

During a visit to the University of Michigan--Dearborn campus in the spring of 2013, Sekaleshfar spoke about the Islamic view of homosexuality. He made it clear that his remarks were not his personal opinion, but an "academic exercise."

He said Islam teaches that homosexuals should be put to death, the compassionate approach is to "get rid of them" to save their souls and society. He said such executions as directed by the Koran (Islamic holy book) should take place only in Islamic countries.

After Sunday’s massacre in Orlando, Dr. Sekaleshfar said his remarks were taken out of context as reported by Orlando TV station WFTV. He responded on his Facebook page saying that Islam states that homosexuals must “repent before God like any other sinner….love the sinner, not the sin is an Islamic philosophy and way of life.”

The killing of homosexuals may not be a practice advocated by Dr. Sekaleshfar’s, but many young Muslims have been radicalized by an extreme view of Islam as taught by Sekaleshfar and practiced by al Qaeda and the Islamic State. 

Last December two men convicted by ISIS of practicing homosexuality were tossed to their deaths from the roof of the Wael Hotel in Palmyria, Syria. Similar executions have taken place elsewhere in Syria and Iraq.

Instead of focusing on the extremist view of a religion that teaches discrimination and persecution of homosexuals, many political pundits, politicians, journalists, and progressives in the United States are focusing public attention on false narratives about guns and troubled “lone wolfs.”

When it comes to intolerance of homosexuals in America, perhaps it’s easier to ridicule and condemn Christian bakers for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex marriage than a young Muslim inspired by ISIS and the Koran who opened fire on patrons of a gay nightclub.

Where’s the outrage?

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