Brody File Exclusive: Ted Cruz on Donald Trump: He's an 'Unusual Man,' Believers Must Look at His Past on Abortion
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File down in South Carolina, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz calls Donald Trump an, "unusual man."
He also is trying to convince evangelical Christians that Trump’s past pro-choice position is problematic.
"For believers who are looking at this race, I believe it is relevant to believers that Donald for 60 years of his life described himself as very very pro-choice and a supporter of partial birth abortion. I think it is relevant that Donald Trump as a presidential candidate today supports federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. If life is an issue you care about Donald Trump's record is not there."
There's plenty more in the clip below. You'll need to watch it all to get the full impact.
To be clear, on Planned Parenthood Cruz is referring to comments by Trump that indicated support for some of the services Planned Parenthood provides for women. However, Trump has also said that he would oppose any government funding for Planned Parenthood.
Our interview took place Thursday afternoon in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Cruz was in town to meet privately with pastors at an event sponsored by the American Renewal Project. Our CBN cameras were on hand for that meeting and you can check out The Brody File for clips from the meeting.
Look folks, evangelicals have an important decision to make. Ted Cruz is speaking their language and has a record that matches his rhetoric. You would think that would be a perfect match for evangelicals and so far, at least in Iowa, they have shown strong support.
Can evangelicals in South Carolina duplicate that effort? We’re going to find out. Cruz’s team will need to work overtime because with Donald Trump being such a factor in this presidential race, he’ll need EVEN MORE evangelicals to show up.
It becomes a numbers game. You can easily make the argument that without significant turnout by evangelicals in Iowa, Cruz would have lost the Hawkeye state. Looking forward to the South Carolina exit polls a week from Saturday.
Ted Cruz: Donald is an unusual man. He doesn't handle losing well and when he loses he intends to begin insulting everyone, he intends to begin engaging in personal and typically profane and obscene insults.
For believers who are looking at this race, I believe it is relevant to believers that Donald for 60 years of his life described himself as very very pro-choice and a supporter of partial birth abortion. I think it is relevant that Donald Trump as a presidential candidate today supports federal taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. If life is an issue you care about Donald Trump’s record is not there.