Marco Rubio Tells Brody File Americans Should Be Proud Of President Trump's Actions In Syria


In an interview with The Brody File this morning on Capitol Hill, Senator Marco Rubio says our military and all Americans, “should be very proud” of President Trump’s airstrikes against Syria. Why? Read below.


Senator Marco Rubio: “Innocent men and women were gassed and killed and last night the United States, and they should be very proud of this, our men and women in uniform under the command of the commander in chief took action to remove the ability of Assad to do that. Now, he still has other air bases he can use, but this was an air base that they had been using and were going to use again to conduct Serin gas attack, and we destroyed large portions of that air base so the United States today took away some of the capacity he had to commit those sorts of atrocities. I think that is something that, quite frankly, people should be very proud of."

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