
Have a look at some exit poll information below.


The Hillary Clinton campaign likes the following exit poll number tonight:


The Obama campaign has taken a lot of hits the last week but if they push through and do well tonight, (whatever that means) it's pretty much over. Bill Burton, the campaign's national spokesman just sent me this:


Tonight's the night. Super Tuesday, Part 2. Get my analysis above. I was on our CBN Newswatch show this afternoon.


Guest blog by The Brody File producer Robin Mazyck.


What do you think it would be like to be under rocket attack? What if you had to run into your house because the town's "Code Red" alarm sounded, then find the safest place and wait for the sound of the rocket explosion, while hoping it didn't land on your house? That's what life has been like in Sderot, Israel, for the past seven years.


Endorsed by an influential Texas televangelist, Republican John McCain endeared himself to one group of voters but risked alienating another with the pastor's anti-Catholic views. The controversy has been mild so far, but still, every vote counts in a presidential election that is expected to be closely contested. Evangelical or born-again Christian voters were key to George W. Bush's victories, but so were Roman Catholics, who chose Bush over their fellow Catholic John Kerry in 2004 and over


If Texas doesn't go his way, (and the polls don't look good), Mike Huckabee will most likely bring his surprising and energetic campaign to a close. But not before having established himself politically in a real substantive way.


Obama was talking about Jesus, gay marriage, his Church and abortion Sunday in Nelsonville, Ohio. At one point, he linked the Sermon on the Mount to the overall issue of gay marriage. Read it for yourself. The transcript of both the question he received and his full answer are below.


If Hillary Clinton loses the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, I've found her a backup gig. She could work for the Republican National Committee press shop. OK, I admit the pay isn't as good but after what she and her campaign have been throwing out against Obama the last few days, it would be a perfect fit.
