Christian Living

chinaconnection 08/08/08

08-08-08 is Finally Here

The stage is set and ready to go for the Olympic opening ceremonies, but it's not just the Olympics that have captured the hearts of the nation.  Just the date of 08-08-08 is an opportunity that only comes once a century, and has extreme cultural significance within Chinese culture. 

The number eight, or ba, has a signficance similar to the number seven here in the U.S. It is meant to bring good luck.

More than 16,000 couples throughout China are getting married today, and hospitals worldwide have reported higher numbers of caesarean sections scheduled today, just so their children can have an especially memorable birthday.  Whether or not they prove fortunate, at the very least it will be easy for them to remember these monumental events. 

Similarly, Olympic organizers also appear hopeful that starting the Olympics on this auspicious date might provide good fortune.

"You could start the Olympics at any minute, even on the 7th or 9th of August," says Dr. Robert Weller, Professor and Chair of Anthropology and Research Associate, Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs at Boston University, "but since you have a choice, why not choose the lucky one?"

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