Balm of Gilead, CBN News image

The Balm of Gilead was a real plant in ancient times, used in medicine and cosmetics and even for worship in the Jewish Temple. Now a modern-day Israeli farmer is reviving that biblical agriculture, along with Frankincense and Myrrh.

Terror attack survivor, Marike Veldman

A Dutch woman living in Israel and foster mother to Arab children was almost killed in a savage attack by Palestinians. She's sharing the remarkable story of what saved her life and how she responded to her attackers.


Congress passed legislation Tuesday reaffirming U.S. support for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and rejecting any U.N. Security Council interference in the process.

Emergency Volunteer Project Firefighters, Courtesy EVP

With Israeli firefighters stretched to their limit, the call for help went out on Thanksgiving Day to the U.S. firemen, who rallied to help within hours.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, AP file photo

Fatah's seventh congress, convened Tuesday in Ramallah by P.A. Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, may turn out to be the 81-year-old leader's "swan song."

Israel Air Force F15 Eagle, Courtesy GPO, Haim Zach

Overnight Monday, Israeli pilots targeted an abandoned U.N. building near the border with Syria used by the Islamic State as an operations base to attack Israel.

Courtesy, Operation Blessing Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled the fires that ravaged Israel last week, driving more than 75,000 people from their homes, "arson-terrorism."

Fires in Haifa, Courtesy TPS, Shay Vaknin

While tens of thousands of Israeli families spent Thursday night in shelters to escape massive fires threatening their neighborhoods, tweets praising the arson spread like wildfire on Arabic-language social media platforms.

Courtesy TPS, Michael Avior

The Shin Bet is investigating the multiple fires raging across Israel for the third day, while Police Commissioner Roni Alsheikh said "terror is the probable cause."

Mahmoud Abbas, Associated Press image

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president whose term expired nearly seven years ago is under increasing pressure to step down.
