Russian President Vladimir Putin, AP file photo

Russia's deputy foreign minister says President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are on excellent terms and speak regularly by phone. It's "no exaggeration," he said, to say their relationship is at its "highest point ever."

Israeli Security Forces, Illustrative, Courtesy TPS

Israeli security forces uncovered a Hamas terror cell operating out of an Arab village near the city of Hebron, as well as Hebron itself. Many of them are members of the same family, whose patriarch is serving a life sentence for a series of deadly terror attacks.


The number of visitors to Israel in November broke all records, while 6.3 Israelis traveled abroad this past year, with that number expected to top out at 7 million by year's end.


A massive storm cloud on the border between Syria and Israel appears to stall completely in a recent video, providing a shield to protect the people of Israel.  

Avigdor Lieberman speaks to the press, Courtesy GPO, Moshe Milner

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Israel had indeed struck Syria's Mezzeh airbase near Damascus overnight Wednesday to prevent the transfer of chemical weapons to Hezbollah.

Joel Rosenberg

Best-selling author Joel Rosenberg believes the mood in Israel is upbeat following Donald Trump's surprising victory in the U.S. presidential election.

Courtesy IDF

Syria claimed Israel targeted a military airbase outside Damascus with surface-to-surface missiles overnight Tuesday.

Screen Capture from "Born to Hate Jews"

YouTube partially lifted its ban on a video recorded by a British Muslim who was raised to hate Jews but later changed his thinking.


President-elect Donald Trump may release details of the Iranian nuclear deal the Obama administration kept hidden from the public, The Daily Beast reported on Monday.

Courtesy GPO

A whopping 83 percent of Israeli poll respondents believe President-elect Donald Trump will be a friend of the Jewish state.
