Image source: Youtube screenshot

The bass singer in the American a cappella group Pentatonix says the sky's the limit and anything is possible but he gives all the glory to God.


As college students begin classes this fall, Speech First, a free speech advocacy group, is launching a new Instagram contest to highlight the good and bad of free speech policies and initiatives on campus.  

US Rep. Sean Duffy serves Wisconin's 7th Congressional District. (Image credit: Kristie Boyd, U.S. House Office of Photography/House Creative Services)

Republican Rep. Sean Duffy, a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump who represents northern Wisconsin in Congress, announced Monday that he is resigning next month to spend more time with his family.   


Doctors are now singing the praises of what many call a secret to good health: the superfood turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin. The spice is flying off the shelves in its many forms these days, for good reason.

Map showing location of Burkina Faso.

Islamic extremists continue to target and murder Christians in northeastern Burkina Faso. 

Image credit: Harvest

The SoCal Harvest crusade saw 8,670 people give their lives to Christ over the three-night event held over the weekend. 

Image Credit: Overcomer

The faith-based film "Overcomer" surpassed all expectations during its opening weekend with an impressive $8.2 million from just 1,723 screens across the country.

Six spectators at the PGA Tour Championship injured by lightning strike Saturday.

Six people were injured Saturday when lightning struck a 60-foot pine at the Tour Championship where they were taking cover from rain and showered them with debris, Atlanta police said.

President Donald Trump and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi participate in a bilateral meeting at the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France, Monday, Aug. 26, 2019. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

The future of global economies are shaky, but President Trump is feeling optimistic about his trade war with China saying the Chinese have reached out to him hoping to resume trade talks.

Venezuelan mother and child

There's tremendous human suffering in Venezuela as new pressure is being applied to President Nicolas Maduro to give up power.  Meanwhile, the dictator's socialist policies are affecting people in ways no one imagined and the country that's bearing the burden is neighboring Colombia.  
