
First lady Melania Trump advances her "Be Best" campaign, Tuesday visiting patients in an intensive care unit in Nashville, Tennessee, being treated for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)- a treatment necessary when babies are born to moms addicted to opioids.


Thousands of Christians descended on the nation's capital for Christians United for Israel's 13th annual summit.  

Trump Tax

President Donald Trump and House Republicans hope to grow the economy even more by adding another round of tax cuts this year. One key to passing this legislation would be gaining support from Democrats who face a challenging midterm campaign.


The Senate on Monday confirmed Pentagon official Robert Wilkie to be secretary of Veterans Affairs, charged with delivering on President Donald Trump’s campaign promises to fire bad VA employees and steer more patients to the private sector.


In an interview with CBN News, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley says the United States will never trust Russia and Vladmir Putin, but says dialogue is key to moving forward.


The FBI releases 412 pages of a heavily redacted FISA court application that sparked the surveillance of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. Both Republicans and Democrats say it proves their points.

Zak Ringlestein, center, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, a potluck dinner prior to a meeting of the Southern Maine Democratic Socialists of America at City Hall in Portland, Maine.

A week ago, Maine Democrat Zak Ringelstein wasn’t quite ready to consider himself a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, even if he appreciated the organization’s values and endorsement in his bid to become a U.S. senator. Three days later, he told The Associated Press it was time to join up. He’s now the only major-party Senate candidate in the nation to be a dues-paying democratic socialist.

US UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, Photo, AP archive

Pompeo and Haley urge international community to hold the line with the U.N. sanctions against North Korea.  The two leaders want to see the North take steps to denuclearize before releasing the sanctions.


In a stunning turn of events, President Donald Trump has invited Russia's Vladimir Putin to the White House this fall.


President Donald Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, says he secretly recorded Trump discussing payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who according to lawyers had an affair with Trump, the New York Times reports.
