Socialist Millenial

Just this week results of a new poll show that more and more Democrats favor the idea of socialism over capitalism. Gallup reports their latest poll found 57 percent of Democrats view socialism positively. But is that really the best path for America?


President Donald Trump warned he would revoke the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan and on Wednesday he did just that, pointing to Brennan's "erratic behavior" and work dealing with the Russia investigation. 


Christine Hallquist, the new Democratic nominee for governor of Vermont and America's first major party transgender candidate, once tweeted that "radicalized Christians" are a problem that Americans currently "tolerate."


President Donald Trump signed life-saving legislation into law Tuesday that changes the current 10-digit suicide prevention hotline into an easy to remember three-digit number. 


Voters in four states – Minnesota, Wisconsin, Connecticut and Vermont – went to the polls Tuesday where they made history and proved President Donald Trump's political power in the Midwest.


Dr. Ben Carson overcame a childhood of intense poverty and struggle to become one of the most famous neurosurgeons in the world – but his story didn’t end there.


President Donald Trump lashed out at former presidential adviser Omarosa Manigault Newman on Twitter, disparagingly referring to her as "that dog."

Marco Rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio is proposing a new measure that offers paid family leave in exchange for Social Security benefits. Meanwhile, faith groups are praising the move, noting that the “Christian faith believes work and family should complement each other.”


President Donald Trump signed a defense spending bill Monday at New York's Fort Drum Army Base that, among other things, gives America's troops a pay increase.


The Trump administration has issued a directive that protects religious freedom as a defense for federal contractors in situations where they've been charged with job discrimination.
