
Michigan State University has agreed to pay $500 million to more than 300 women and girls who said they were assaulted by sports doctor Larry Nassar in the worst sex-abuse case in sports history, the university announced Wednesday.


A California judge on Tuesday threw out a 2016 state law allowing the terminally ill to end their lives, ruling it was unconstitutionally approved by the Legislature.


A well-known Orthodox priest explains the differences between Russian Christianity and modern Protestantism in a video released last year. 


Bill Nye explores the relationship between science and religion in the third season of his Netflix show, Bill Nye Saves the World.


The writer of a scathing online commentary posted on the Public Catholic website argues that torture is wrong and Jesus himself would not approve.


A new, permanent coalition has been created in response to what some have called the continued online restriction and censorship of conservatives and their organizations by tech giants, including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Youtube.

Iowa State Capitol

A lawsuit challenging the nation's most restrictive abortion law was filed Tuesday in Iowa, a state that for years was largely left out of Republican efforts to overturn abortion protections and where the Democratic attorney general has refused to defend the law.


Russian Orthodox church buildings are known around the world for their beautiful classic artwork or icons painted by Russian masters. Now an Orthodox church in East Green Bay, Wis., will also be added to the list of church buildings containing classic icons designed, painted and installed by Russian born artist Dmitry Shkolnik. 

Colorado Mesa University

Colorado Mesa University has reversed its decision after telling a student her graduation speech could not include any religious references.


A young girl from Louisiana is traveling across the country hugging police officers. She says God has sent her on a mission of love.
