
It was a happy day on Wall Street as the bull market in stocks is now being considered by some as the longest bull market ever.


Already this year, California wildfires have burned more than 1.1 million acres. The state is deploying thousands of firefighters daily to try and control the flames. 


Your tax dollars are funding research that requires "fresh" aborted baby body parts and it's legal. Should this be happening?


Parents in Maine who want to use school choice funds to send their children to religious schools aren't being allowed to participate in the state's school tuition program.


Pro-family groups are upset about a blog by the Association for Library Service to Children's Intellectual Freedom Committee that promotes the "Drag Queen Story Hour."


If you think the arrest of an illegal immigrant in the murder of Mollie Tibbetts will change the hearts of leaders on the Left when it comes to the border debate, you don't understand where the "open borders crowd" is coming from.


Father-daughter dance in the hospital will have you grabbing tissues. See the beautiful moment between a baby girl and her Daddy captured on video.

President Donald Trump and his former attorney, Michael Cohen

President Donald Trump's long-time attorney and 'fixer' is facing prison time. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty Tuesday to eight counts of financial fraud, tax evasion and campaign finance violations, saying the president directed him to pay off two women who each claim to have had affairs with the president.


Last week, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit vindicated Pastor Scott Lively in an appeal filed by the Liberty Counsel in June 2017.

A poster for missing University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts hangs in the window of a local business in Brooklyn, Iowa.

A man from Mexico living in the U.S. illegally has confessed to kidnapping college student Mollie Tibbetts while she was running in her small Iowa hometown, killing her and dumping her body in a cornfield, authorities said Tuesday.
