
Kirk Franklin, who has been open about his rough childhood, which included being abandoned as a baby and molested as a teen, recently shared about a woman who helped him on his journey.

Ten Commandments

Alabama public schools are hoping to bring God back into their schools by displaying the US motto "In God We Trust" on school buildings.

Susan Bro, mother of Heather Heyer who was killed during last year’s Unite the Right rally, embraces supporters after laying flowers at the spot her daughter was killed in Charlottesville, Va.

The mother of a woman killed when a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters at a white nationalist rally last summer said Sunday there’s much healing to do a year after the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.


A NASA spacecraft zoomed toward the sun Sunday on an unprecedented quest to get closer to our star than anything ever sent before.


The Saddleback Church located in Lake Forest, California reached another milestone in its 38-year history this weekend when its members watched the baptism of the 50,000th person into the body of Christ.


A former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan who was at Charlottesville, Virginia last year, says he has changed for the better and is no longer filled with hate after repenting and being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ. 


People tend to think eating healthy, high-quality produce, fish, and meat is too expensive for the average family. But health reporter Lorie Johnson shows us how to feed your family a healthy diet on a budget.

College Grades

A college professor in North Carolina will be allowing her students to pick their grades as classes kick off this fall.


A new push to normalize blurred gender lines has been sweeping the nation.  Bruce Jenner's transition to a trans woman in 2015 was just the tip of the iceberg.


The man accused of starting the Holy Fire ravaging California is due in court today as firefighters continue battling three major blazes.
