
Honor Killings happen more often in America and around the world than most people realize. Murder Conviction in Texas highlights the problem.


Just one week after the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student group filed a lawsuit against the University of Iowa, the school has agreed to temporarily reinstate InterVarsity and other religious groups that the university recently recognized as discriminatory.


One family on a mission has turned a sleepy town in southeast Texas into a global headquarters for spiritual awakening among today's youth.


A US Army Chaplain says a revival is taking place on the base of Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. Since March nearly 2,000 troops have reportedly come to the Lord.


While federal programs provide help for low-income mothers and children up to 5 years old, those safety nets don't cover an essential need – diapers. That's when a former Connecticut social worker decided it was about time something was done to help provide this basic need.


The stunning story of a Seattle airport worker who stole a plane and crashed it into an island over the weekend is a deep mystery to the family who loved him, but they're leaning fully on their faith in Christ to carry them through this tragedy.


Sutherland Springs shooter described as a "broken man" as his widow talks about what happened leading up to the mass church shooting.


Google wants to know where you go so badly that it records your movements even when you explicitly tell it not to.


What New York's Governor thinks about pro-life pregnancy centers and his very real "campaign" against them.


Public libraries and schools around the country are hosting "Drag Queen Story Hours," events where men dressed as women in "drag queen" garb read stories to children as young as two and up to around six years of age. Some parents embrace it, but others call it a dangerous distorting of gender norms.
