Franklin Graham

Evangelist Franklin Graham told thousands at an Oregon Decision America Rally that the Republican Party isn't the answer to the nation's problems.


At a time when snark and sarcasm seem to be the order of the day, the thoughtful actions of a Louisiana supermarket worker towards an autistic teen are serving as a refreshing reminder that compassion and kindness aren't dead.


How would you like to work only 32 hours, four days a week instead of the traditional 40-hour, five-day work week and receive the same pay?A company in New Zealand—Perpetual Guardian tried it for two months and found that its employees were more productive and had more leisure time to enjoy a better quality of life with friends and family. 


Members of the U.S. military carried caskets of remains from the Korean War off cargo planes at a military base in in Hawaii.


A one-time professional wrestler turned neo-Nazi leader grappled with God and found Christ’s forgiveness.


This week numerous media outlets seized on a condition that a few therapists have begun to dub "Trump Anxiety Disorder."  Should we worry about it? Probably not.


Retired Major League baseball player Trevor Hoffman was recently inducted into Baseball's Hall of Fame. He delivered a heart-warming speech at the ceremony.

Blue Springs Police Department with Brecken Simmons

An eight-year-olds plan to raise money for his police departments does much more for him, the force and the community.

Church strip club

A well-known strip club in a small town in Wisconsin has shut their doors – but the building is getting a new purpose, a local church is making sure of it.


An Aeromexico jetliner crashed in a field while taking off during a severe storm in northern Mexico Tuesday. While 49 people are in the hospital, no one was killed. Many are calling it a miracle. 
