Christian Living

LivingtheLife 12/02/08

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

I have two daughters and a son, my son being the youngest. I am noticing already the enormous differences between boys and girls. It truly is amazing how vastly different their behaviors are, and at such early ages.

When my daughters were little, I never had to child proof anything. It was never necessary to do so. If one of them were to go somewhere they weren’t allowed, all I had to do was point and firmly say "no". Neither one of them ever threw themselves down on the floor and screamed and kicked. Both were fairly easy-going and seldom got out of control.

That being said, I have been extremely surprised to find that my son is a whole different story. He has become increasingly rowdy. If he sees my husband lying on the floor, he runs across the room and leaps on him. All of the safety gates in the house have been broken or he has figured out how to open them on his own and sneak out quietly. He has even climbed up on top of the kitchen table, which is really high. He’s broken a lamp, broken the safety locks on the doors of the entertainment center, ruined my coffee table, and broken several coasters. Just about everything around here has been seriously compromised.

There is a big temper that comes with him as well. When I would tell my daughters "no", it would be obvious that they were upset or disappointed, but they never lost control or pitched a fit. My son, on the other hand, will hear the word "no" and start screaming, slapping himself and the walls and anything else in his path. He thinks nothing of throwing a fit of epic proportions. I am astounded! I did not see this coming. He is not even two years old yet!

It makes me laugh out loud (at times) to watch the enormous differences between the sexes, even at age one! While men and women are equally wonderful, they’re not exactly equal. When the Good Lord created us, he truly made us uniquely different. It’s fascinating to see how girls and boys are hardwired differently from the get go.

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