Christian Living

LivingtheLife 01/23/09

Attack of the Stomach Bug!

Apparently, last week was the week for stomach viruses at our house. Lucky us! I have never seen so much action in my house ever. I hope I don’t again anytime soon. Being that there are three young kids here, things are passed around like wildfire.

Sydney was the first to go down, barfing at the movie theater. She had gone to a movie with a friend of mine and her young daughter. I owe her big time is all I can say. She brought her in the house and rushed her to the bathroom saying, “we have a puker!” This is basically where she spent the rest of the day.

By that evening, she was showing signs of improvement. However, my oldest daughter began complaining of an upset stomach. Great! She winds up in the bathroom violently ill for quite some time. She eventually recovered and decided it was time for bed. I wake that night to hear my son coughing, but not crying. I figured ‘no big deal;' he would be crying if something were wrong. Turns out I was wrong.

By 9:00 a.m. the next morning, I decided I need to go and wake him up. The moment I stepped into the hallway, the smell hit me like a Mac truck. I can’t even describe it. Words would not do it justice. I opened the door to find that during the night, he threw up all over his bed and had diarrhea!!! He actually slept through all of it.

So after several loads of laundry, steam cleaning the carpets twice, and removing cushion covers from furniture and washing them repeatedly, we’re on the mend. Whew! We have survived and my husband and I managed not to get the "bug". Hallelujah!

Got any crazy kid stories like this? Do share!

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