Christian Living

LivingtheLife 12/12/08

Nose Pickers!

What is it with children and nose picking? The moment they discover these little magic holes in their faces they can not keep their fingers out of them. It’s as if there is some mystery up there they have to discover.

When my daughters were younger, they both picked their noses. I easily broke my oldest daughter of the habit. Once she learned that she could get germs up there from that were beneath her finger nails, she was over it. My younger daughter was a little more reluctant. Her argument being, “but boogers taste so good, mama!” What on earth do you say to that?

I have noticed my 19 month old with his finger up his nose a LOT lately, like it’s some sort of marathon. I can’t keep his fingers out of there. I pull his hand down and it immediately springs back up into action. My husband says he’s digging for gold. I’d like to think he’s just trying to scratch his brain!

Sigh. . . .this too shall pass....

How did you break your kids of this habit?


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