
Al Qaeda’s second-highest ranking leader, charged for crimes related to multiple attacks on American embassies in Africa in 1998, was assassinated in August during an Israeli-American joint operation.

President Donald Trump (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Israeli leaders are calling on CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour to apologize for comments she made comparing President Donald Trump’s actions to Kristallnacht, a Nazi program against Jews in 1938 widely seen as a key starting point for the Holocaust.

Credit: Axiom Space

Israel announced on Monday that it is sending its second astronaut to space in a historic space mission scheduled for the end of 2021.


JERUSALEM, Israel - Perhaps the main threat facing Israel and the United States in the Middle East is a nuclear Iran. 

United Nations Building

While election results remain uncertain, Middle East analysts are looking at how a Biden-Harris administration would approach the region. 

Iranian nuclear facility for converting uranium (AP Photo)

Iran is continuing to increase its stockpile of low-enriched uranium in violation of the nuclear deal it signed with world powers in 2015, the UN’s atomic watchdog group said on Wednesday.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Friday that Israel has signed a deal with Pfizer that could see the American vaccine candidate delivered to the Jewish State as early as January.


The Israel Government Press Office launched its fourth Christian Media Summit on October 18, which due to Covid-19, was held as a virtual summit. It was without a doubt the most successful social media event ever hosted in the State of Israel, with more than seven million viewers on Facebook alone.

Nov. 10, 2016, file photo, Bahrain's Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell, File)

Bahrain’s Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, one of the world’s longest-serving prime minister who led his island nation’s government for decades and survived the 2011 Arab Spring protests that demanded his ouster over corruption allegations, died on Wednesday. He was 84. 

Associated Press photo

While the country waits for the final results of the presidential election, Israel is watching. 
