
COMMENTARY:  I am an unapologetic Trump supporter. I served on the founding Trump evangelical faith advisory team with Dr. James Dobson, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Paula White Cain, and 23 other key evangelical leaders. We are the force that mobilized the evangelical vote that gave Donald Trump the election in 2016.

Photo Credit:  Matty Stern / U.S. Embassy Jerusalem

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made history Thursday by becoming the first top US diplomat to visit a Jewish community in Israel’s biblical heartland. In the Bible, it’s called Judea and Samaria, yet much of the world calls it the West Bank and wants it to be a future state for the Palestinians. The visit represents a dramatic shift in US policy.

Tower of David Museum. Credit Hamutal Wachtel

One of Jerusalem’s most iconic sites is the Tower of David at the entrance of the Old City. This ancient citadel is getting its first major overhaul in hundreds of years.


The US State Department announced Thursday that it will now allow all products from Israeli settlement communities to have the label “Made in Israel,” representing a major change in US policy.

Photo Credit: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO)

Bahrain’s foreign minister came to Jerusalem Wednesday for a historic whirlwind visit with Israeli and American leaders.

Photo Credit:  Matty Stern / U.S. Embassy Jerusalem

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani met with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem for the first time on Wednesday after the two countries signed historic diplomatic accords.

Photo Credit: Israel Defense Forces via Twitter

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) carried out airstrikes on Iranian and Syrian targets in Syria Wednesday morning in response to explosives found on the border in the Golan Heights.

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims on Oct. 10, 2019 that 109 Syrian Kurdish "terrorists" have been killed so far. Erdogan also warned the European Union not to call his attack an 'invasion'. (Turkish Presidency Press Service via AP)

For years, Middle East observers have warned about the expansionist policies of Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Those ambitions reach throughout the region all the way to Jerusalem.


Israel will be one of the first countries to receive Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine candidate, which initial reports show to be 94.5% effective against the virus.


Last week, President Donald Trump asked his advisors for options on attacking one of Iran’s main nuclear sites, but ultimately decided against it, The New York Times reports.
