Benjamin Netanyahu, Reuven Rivlin, and Benny Gantz in the wake of Israel's inconclusive election

In the aftermath of Israel's historic second round of elections this year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now faces what many are calling a political mission impossible. 


A controversial Facebook page has been shut down but not by the social media giant.  Despite complaints, Facebook took no action although the page glorified and encouraged terrorism against Israel. The other outrage is that Fatah, the political party of Mahmoud Abbas, owned the page and its propaganda.  Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) first sounded the alarm earlier this year in a 40-page report it called “The Fatah-Facebook Terror Promotion Partnership”.


The Trump administration sanctioned several Chinese firms for allegedly shipping Iranian oil in violation of US sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Courtesy Magen David Adom

An Israeli woman is recovering after being stabbed by a Palestinian teenager in a terror attack Wednesday.


The Gaza-based Palestinian terror organization Islamic Jihad is building rockets in the West Bank to use against Israeli civilians in a future terror attack, Israeli media reported Wednesday.


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin chose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as the first candidate to try and form a coalition government after last week’s election. 

Satellite image from Planet Labs Inc. shows thick black smoke rising from Saudi Aramco's Abqaiq oil processing facility in Buqyaq, Saudi Arabia (Planet Labs Inc via AP)

One of the latest, and frankly most alarming recent headlines is the news of missile attacks on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia a week ago. These weren't just any oil facilities. They are the largest oil facilities in the nation that produces the most oil in the Middle East.

Prayer notes removed from Western Wall. Photo: CBN News/Jonathan Goff

Visitors to Jerusalem’s Western Wall often place written prayers in the cracks between the stones.  Twelve million people visited the Western Wall this year.  Have you ever wondered what happens when no more prayers will fit in those crevices?

United Nations Building

A new Pew Research Center poll published Monday reveals that Israelis dislike the United Nations more than any of the other countries surveyed.


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin brought Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz together to discuss a unity government, but it might take more than one meeting to bridge the divide between Israel’s two main parties. 
